Looking for a New Phone? 3 Apple Alternatives to Consider
With the school year beginning soon and summer on its way out, many are looking to upgrade their phone to prepare for the next season. Apple’s newest flagshipi Phone X is a classic device with amazing new features like FaceID, but at an expensive rate of around $1000, is it worth when faced with its competitors.Here are three alternatives that will be just as, if not more, functional as the iPhone X and save you a couple of a hundred dollars while doing so.
Samsung Galaxy S9-$719
Samsung is the only company with a name that rivals Apple’s in terms of brand recognition. One of the biggest manufacturers of smartphones in the world, this year they have really brought up the android community with the newest in theirGalaxy line of phones.
The S9 is the classic android experience with an eye towards the future. With a Snapdragon 845 processor, it has some of the best performance on the market – making it one of the best iPhone X alternatives for those who still need premium specs from their device.Combined with the Google play store, you have access to more than the apple store and will be able to run it faster than the iPhone X.
The camera is different than the iPhone X. In terms of pixel count and image quality, it is generally considered that the Apple phone wins the fight.However the S9 is the current king of low-light and high contrast shots. All in all this phone stepped up to meet Apple’s new flagship and is fighting with it pound for pound.
Google Pixel 2 XL-$649
The original Pixel was a hit with its clean look and arguably the best camera on the market, and the Google Pixel 2 XL is no exception. The new flagship device is sweeping the globe and finding home in more techies pockets than anyone thought possible.
ThePixel 2 XL takes everything that was excellent about the Pixel and improves it, giving us one of the most powerful phones of this past generation. A camera that beats out the iPhone X’s, a simple and distraction free Android 8operating system, and seamless interaction with Google assistant makes thePixel 2 XL a great and cheaper alternative to the iPhone X.
OnePlus 6-$529
The newest phone on our list is the OnePlus 6. Often considered a bargain phone, coming in at nearly half of the iPhone X’s price tag, the OnePlus 6 Features one of the fastest charge times and the Snapdragon845 processor which is superior to the performance of the iPhone X chip. Up to8GB of RAM in this new model allows for powerful performance that can be boosted with OnePlus’s gaming mode.
In the end, the OnePlus 6 has the power to beat out the iPhone X in terms of app and game performance. The camera does not compare to other flagship phones, and it also lacks some of the next gen features like Face ID or photo modes like panoramic pictures. At a half of the price however and an included headphone jack it is a nice and functional alternative to the relatively luxurious iPhone X.
Apple makes a solid and user friendly phone. However, with the competition now being able to compete and in some case beat out the iPhone X, all for as low as half the price, it may be time to consider switching to the android side of the fence.